16 July 2014  (WED 8pm - 10.00)   A r c h i v e
D3W3 presents:
OMAS and Irish inspired group session

Lucy Kitchen
Lucy Kitchen

Also played: Ed Allen and Graham Bland
Irish session: Lottie, Clive, Pete, Phil, Keri, Tony, Barry, Ed and Marcus

(Lucy's website here » )

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Click on a photo to see more from the night (16 Photos)

  • Sorry I wasn't there for the first "Irish" session and also to see the acoustic session guest and Southampton's fabulous Lucy Kitchen. A big remote thank you for making another d3w3 a success. Thanks also to Marcus for hosting and looking after the evening, making it swing and flow nicely. Gratitude to Ed Allen for the sound, which I hear, sounded great! I promise to never go on holiday again.
  • Lucy was great, with a packed set of lovely hipnotic songs truly absorbing. Always enjoy seeing Ed play and the Irish roll up, sit in a circle and play if you want to was an inspiration. A really good way to join in without having to quite take the stage just yet. With half a light show, new bulbs needed I think, it's hopefully a nice venue to perform at and also relaxed at the same time. (Hope you like the photos Lucy, let me know if you'd like any)

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